• Call for Papers (closes 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, March 30, 2017)

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Event Details

Name: SpiceWorld Austin 2017

Location: Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas

Date: October 9–11, 2017

Website: Click here


Call for Papers: Dana Moberly (danam@spiceworks.com); Phone: (737) 704-2130

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Welcome to the SpiceWorld Austin Call for Speakers

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Questions? Organizer: Dana Moberly - danam@spiceworks.com / (737) 704-2130

Know one of the things SpiceWorld attendees love? Year-after-year, attendees rave…it's the awesome learning opportunities that SpiceWorld provides!

So, if you're an IT pro with a desire to share helpful solutions and successful strategies, we'd love to have you speak at SpiceWorld! Session applications will be accepted through Thursday, March 30th and we'll be enlisting the help of the Spiceworks Community to help us decide which sessions will make the cut.

Here's how the process works: Once the call for speakers has ended, submissions will be available for the entire Spiceworks Community to view and vote on the sessions they'd like to attend at SpiceWorld. Finalists will then be reviewed by a team of Spiceworks staffers who will take into account previous session ratings, current hot topics in the community, and feedback from our own IT team. The selected sessions, which will combine the results of the community feedback and feedback from the Spiceworks team, will be announced in June.

Session Categories
To help attendees navigate all the great content at SpiceWorld, submitted sessions should fall into one of the categories below:
Session Formats
1 or 2 person presentation – 4 out of 5 sessions in a given track will have this format. Sessions are an hour long: 45 minutes of presentation, 10 minutes of Q&A, and 5 minutes of “squish” room.

Who should submit a session?
If you fit into one of the categories below, we think you could be a great fit to speak at SpiceWorld!
Tips for success Timeline