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Event Details

Name: 2017 APLS Annual Conference

Location: The Westin Seattle Hotel, Seattle, Washington

Date: March 16–18, 2017

Website: Click here


Call for Proposals: Kathleen Kemp (kkemp@lifespan.org); Phone: (401) 793-8269

Derek Hess (dhess@thechicagoschool.edu); Phone:(312) 379-1674

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Call for Proposals
Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS)
March 16-18, 2017 | Seattle, Washington
The 2017 AP-LS Annual Conference will be held from March 16-18 at The Westin Seattle Hotel.

We invite proposals for symposia, papers, and posters addressing topics in all areas of psychology and law; proposals that are empirically based or that involve new and emerging topics within psychology and/or the law are encouraged. Empirical research submissions that do not include data are discouraged. Proposals will be evaluated through a blind review process focused on intellectual merit, innovation, and integration of multiple aspects of the field. Special consideration will be given to legal proposals that can be offered for Continuing Legal Education credit.

The DEADLINE for submissions is Friday, September 30th, 11:59pm PST

SYMPOSIA (session up to 80 min): A coordinated group of presentations that focus on one topic; a minimum of three presentations and an independent discussant should be included. The participation of each presenter should be secured prior to submission. Submissions should consist of a 100-word abstract and a 1000-word summary for each paper, a 200-word abstract for the symposium session, and 3-4 learning objectives.

PAPERS (session up to 60 min): Presentation of a paper describing an individual research topic OR piece of legal scholarship; 3-5 paper presentations will be grouped into sessions after acceptances/rejections are completed. Submissions should consist of a 100-word abstract, a summary of not more than 1000 words, and 3-4 learning objectives.

POSTERS: Posters will be presented at one of two poster sessions typically held Friday and Saturday evenings. Poster presentations are made in written format on display boards (size TBA). Submissions should consist of a 100-word abstract and a summary of not more than 1000 words.

There will be a limit of TWO first-author symposia/paper submissions per person; there is no limit on the number of poster submissions or appearances as a discussant or session chair.

For regular updates regarding the submission process and conference details, please check the AP-LS conference webpage: http://ap-ls.wildapricot.org/APLS2017

If you have any questions or comments regarding the call for proposals, or about the conference, please contact the conference co-chairs:
Derek Hess at dhess@thechicagoschool.edu and Kathleen Kemp at kkemp@lifespan.org

Looking forward to seeing everyone in March!

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Questions? Organizer: Kathleen Kemp - kkemp@lifespan.org / (401) 793-8269