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Event Details

Name: 2019 North American Refugee Health Conference

Location: Toronto, ON

Date: June 14–16, 2019

Website: Click here

Event Planner

Continuing Professional Development
(416) 978-2719

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2019 North American Refugee Health Conference
Abstract Deadline Extended to January 14, 2019 at 11:59 PM Eastern!

The North American Refugee Health Conference (NARHC) is the largest clinical refugee health conference of its kind globally, and offers access to recent research, best practices in refugee health, and a great opportunity for networking. The 2019 conference will focus on all aspects of refugee health, including the Rohingya crisis, and trauma and resiliency.

Abstract submissions are now open. Submissions will be considered for workshops and oral or poster presentations. Please refer to the North American Refugee Health website for more information.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Important Dates All submitted abstracts will be anonymized and peer-reviewed by 3-4 individuals. Please note that submission of an abstract does not guarantee acceptance. Abstract submission may be accepted in the original format submitted, or moved to another category. For example, an abstract can be rejected as a workshop but accepted as an oral presentation.

Once notified of acceptance, the presenting author will need to confirm intent to attend and present at the conference. All presenting authors are responsible for registering for the conference and covering all associated costs.

Thank you for your submission.

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Questions? Event Planner: Continuing Professional Development - facmed.registration@utoronto.ca / (416) 978-2719