• Call for Participation (closes 8:00 PM CST on Monday, February 29, 2016)

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Event Details

Name: Mosaic 2016

Location: TBD, Toronto, Ontario

Date: May 13–18, 2016


Inquiries about papers: Amy Chatfield, amychatf@usc.edu, 323-442-1128
Inquiries about posters: Melissa Ratajeski, mar@pitt.edu and Brenda Seago, bseago@gru.edu
Inquiries about lightning talks: Carrie Iwema, iwema@pitt.edu
Inquiries about Special Content Session applications, review criteria: Amy Chatfield,amychatf@usc.edu, 323-442-1128
For help with other aspects of your contributed paper or presentation experience, please contact staff support, Mary Oberman, project manager, 630.929.7927; Ray Naegele, director of financial and administrative services, 312.419.9094 x17; or Tina Vickery, MLA Meeting Manager, tvickery@heiexpo.com or 800-752-6312. Support is available 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Central time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

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Welcome to the Mosaic '16 Lightning Talks Submission Form
The 2016 MLA/CHLA/ABSC/ICLC Joint Planning Committee invites submissions for Late Breaking Lightning Talks to support the theme, "Mosaic: Be Part of the Big PIcture." Submit using this online abstract submission site starting on Monday, February 15, 2016 and ending at 6:00 p.m., central time, on Monday, February 29, 2016.

Keep in mind that Lightning Talks are brief, focused on one main point, and are verbally oriented. They will be strictly limited to no more than 5 minutes of presentation time. All Late Breaking Lightning Talks will be presented during the 9-10:25 a.m. session on Wednesday, May 18, 2016.

Plan to submit your structured abstract for your research project or program description using the structured abstract guidelines. When submitting structured abstracts, authors will decide whether their abstract is a research abstract or program description abstract:
  • Research abstracts report on designing, conducting, and analyzing a research project.
  • Program Description abstracts describe the creating and improvement of products, programs, technologies, administrative practices, or services conducted by librarians and information professionals.

  • Authors should select carefully, as different criteria are used to assess research and program description abstracts. All criteria for both kinds of abstracts are available in the Papers and Posters FAQs.

    Late Breaking Lightning Talks acceptance or decline letters will be sent by Wednesday, March 30, 2016.

    For more information, contact: Carrie Iwema, AHIP (iwema@pitt.edu)

    Download the full Call for Submissions (includes both English and French).

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    Lost your access key? or Need help?

    Questions? Organizers: Tina Vickery - tvickery@heiexpo.com / (800) 752-6312